
Yedi Network

Add a token to Yedi Network

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a new folder inside the matching chain folder (bnb/eth). The name of your folder must be the tokens contract address in lowercase. Example: /bnb/0xf275e1ac303a4c9d987a2c48b8e555a77fec3f1c
  3. Add a new file data.json with the following content, none of the first-level properties is required.
      "description": "Description for this token",
      "links": [
           "type": "link",
           "name": "X/Twitter",
           "url": ""
           "type": "link",
           "name": "Reddit",
           "url": ""
           "type": "token",
           "name": "XYZ Token",
           "chain": "eth",
           "address": "0xf275e1ac303a4c9d987a2c48b8e555a77fec3f1c"
           "type": "nft",
           "name": "Collectible Collection",
           "chain": "bnb",
           "address": "0x1416bf62f4dd65378dfc36a87c06d6efaf86979f"
      "copy": {
       "chain": "bnb",
       "address": "contract address to copy metadata from",
       "keys": ["description"]
      "icon": "icon.png"
  4. Add a token icon file into the same folder (make sure the filename is exactly as defined in the data.json - Only possible values are icon.png, icon.svg, icon.jpg, icon.jpeg).
  5. Ensure you run prettier -w data.json on your new json file to ensure compliance with our coding standards.
  6. Submit your pull request for review. Only after a successful review, the token will be added. However, if we find the token does not follow our guidelines we will reject the listing.


At Yedi Network, we value transparency, security, and community engagement in the tokens we choose to list. We welcome your suggestions for new token listings, whether they are standard tokens or community-driven tokens. Please consider the following guidelines when submitting a token for listing.

By adhering to these guidelines, you help us maintain the integrity and security of our platform while contributing to a diverse range of tokens for our users. Thank you for your suggestions and support. Note: Not all requirements have to be met.

For Standard Tokens (aka “Token Projects”)

Legitimacy: The token must be associated with a legitimate project or organization. It should not be a known scam or fraudulent token.

Transparency: The project should provide transparent information about its team, mission, and goals. This includes disclosing team members’ identities and credentials.

Use Case: The token should have a clear and genuine use case within its ecosystem. It should serve a purpose beyond speculative trading.

Audited Contracts: The smart contracts associated with the token should be audited by reputable third-party auditors for security and functionality.

Community Engagement: The project should actively engage with its community, provide regular updates, and respond to user inquiries.

Compliance: The token and project should comply with relevant regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions they operate in.

Market Presence: The token should have some level of market presence, such as being traded on reputable exchanges, having a significant user base, or being actively traded.

Longevity: The project should demonstrate a commitment to long-term development and sustainability.

Security: The token and its associated platforms should have strong security measures in place to protect user funds and data.

Unique Value: The token should offer unique value or features that differentiate it from other tokens in its category.

For Community-Driven Tokens (aka “Community Tokens”)

Transparency: While the anonymity of creators might be a characteristic of some community-driven tokens, there should be clear communication channels or forums where the community can interact with the creators or developers.

Community Governance: Community-driven tokens should actively involve their community in making decisions about the token’s future, use cases, or development.

Community Support: Tokens with an active and engaged community are preferred. Consider factors such as the size of the community, social media presence, and user engagement.

No Scams: We have zero tolerance for tokens that exhibit signs of scams, pump-and-dump schemes, or fraudulent activities.

Use Cases: While not all community-driven tokens may have a defined use case initially, they should demonstrate a clear purpose or intention for their existence.

Risk Warning: Be aware that tokens from anonymous creators or projects with unclear use cases may carry higher risks. Please proceed with caution.

Community Vetting: We encourage the community to vet and discuss these tokens thoroughly. Report suspicious activities or concerns promptly.

Transparency Improvements: We encourage anonymous project teams to gradually improve transparency over time by providing more information about their project’s goals and intentions.

Regular Audits: Community-driven tokens should undergo regular third-party audits for the smart contracts associated with them to ensure their security.

Regulatory Compliance: Even anonymous projects should strive for some level of regulatory compliance, especially regarding financial and legal aspects.